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Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 1 час 46 минут

Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam (born 18 July 1975), better known by her stage name M.I.A., is an English recording artist of Sri Lankan Tamil heritage. She is also a songwriter, painter, and director. "M.I.A." is a play on her own name and a reference to the acronym of Missing in Action. Her compositions combine elements of electronic, dance, alternative, hip hop, and world music. Arulpragasam began her career in 2000 as a visual artist, filmmaker, and designer in west London before beginning her recording career in 2002. Since rising to prominence in early 2004 for her singles "Sunshowers" and "Galang", charting in the UK and Canada and reaching number 11 on the Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales in the US, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards and the Mercury Prize.

💿 10 февраля 2024

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ЧУДО ТВОРЕНИЯ (Как Создавать Собственную Реальность)
Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 1 час 53 минуты | Аудиоэфир

Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam (born 18 July 1975), better known by her stage name M.I.A., is an English recording artist of Sri Lankan Tamil heritage. She is also a songwriter, painter, and director. "M.I.A." is a play on her own name and a reference to the acronym of Missing in Action. Her compositions combine elements of electronic, dance, alternative, hip hop, and world music. Arulpragasam began her career in 2000 as a visual artist, filmmaker, and designer in west London before beginning her recording career in 2002. Since rising to prominence in early 2004 for her singles "Sunshowers" and "Galang", charting in the UK and Canada and reaching number 11 on the Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales in the US, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards and the Mercury Prize.

💿 2 марта 2024

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Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 1 час 35 минут | Аудиоэфир

Как научиться состоянию жизни вне страха, вернее вспомнить Его? Как жить свободно и не контролировать тех, кто рядом? Как разрешить быть другим самими собой? Какое состояние позволяет быть самому или самой той, тем, кем являетесь истинно Вы? В корневом ответе на все вопросы есть состояние БЫТЬ. Такой способ существование, проявления Вашего Естества, в коем просто нет места для деструктивных эмоций, угнетённости, стресса. В состоянии БЫТЬ (Я ЕСТЬ) Вы осознаёте себя частицей Бога-Творца – свободной и воскрылённой, преисполненной Радости и Любви. Но как войти в состояние Я ЕСТЬ и БЫТЬ в Нём устойчивым и растворить Эго?

💿 9 марта 2024

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Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 49 минут

Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam (born 18 July 1975), better known by her stage name M.I.A., is an English recording artist of Sri Lankan Tamil heritage. She is also a songwriter, painter, and director. "M.I.A." is a play on her own name and a reference to the acronym of Missing in Action. Her compositions combine elements of electronic, dance, alternative, hip hop, and world music. Arulpragasam began her career in 2000 as a visual artist, filmmaker, and designer in west London before beginning her recording career in 2002. Since rising to prominence in early 2004 for her singles "Sunshowers" and "Galang", charting in the UK and Canada and reaching number 11 on the Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales in the US, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards and the Mercury Prize.

💿 12 февраля 2024

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Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 1 час 28 минут

Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam (born 18 July 1975), better known by her stage name M.I.A., is an English recording artist of Sri Lankan Tamil heritage. She is also a songwriter, painter, and director. "M.I.A." is a play on her own name and a reference to the acronym of Missing in Action. Her compositions combine elements of electronic, dance, alternative, hip hop, and world music. Arulpragasam began her career in 2000 as a visual artist, filmmaker, and designer in west London before beginning her recording career in 2002. Since rising to prominence in early 2004 for her singles "Sunshowers" and "Galang", charting in the UK and Canada and reaching number 11 on the Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales in the US, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards and the Mercury Prize.

💿 04 февраля 2024

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Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 1 час 23 минуты | Аудиоэфир

Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam (born 18 July 1975), better known by her stage name M.I.A., is an English recording artist of Sri Lankan Tamil heritage. She is also a songwriter, painter, and director. "M.I.A." is a play on her own name and a reference to the acronym of Missing in Action. Her compositions combine elements of electronic, dance, alternative, hip hop, and world music. Arulpragasam began her career in 2000 as a visual artist, filmmaker, and designer in west London before beginning her recording career in 2002. Since rising to prominence in early 2004 for her singles "Sunshowers" and "Galang", charting in the UK and Canada and reaching number 11 on the Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales in the US, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards and the Mercury Prize.

💿 24 февраля 2024

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Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 1 час 52 минуты

Как я попала в деструктивные отношения с разворотом событий на 10-летний период, который невозможно было завершить из состояния сознания прошлой мерности. Как избежать подобного в настоящем моменте или претворить в лучший для своей жизни Путь Новой Реальности, если Вы пребываете как Вам кажется в «неразрешимой» ситуации. О здоровье и страхах, которые сгущались врачами, о хронических неизлечениях на протяжении множества лет и как мне помогли исцелиться длительные голодания, как я пришла к ним, хотя ранее мне казалось невозможным провести даже день один без еды, не говоря уже о сухом голоде (неедении). Почему у одних «всё просто», а у других «всё сложно»?

💿 17 февраля 2024

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ГОЛОДАНИЕ (Путь Красоты)
Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 1 час 30 минут | Аудиоэфир

Разница в программах питания. Как не стать заложником концепции ЗОЖ и не войти в гордыню духовного свойства. Поддержание чистоты кишечника – почему это важно, как чистота тела связана с духовным прогрессом. Почему не работает Волшебство Квантума, то есть не реализуются Ваши желания. О процессе моделирования Вашей реальности, распознавании миссии Вашей Души и как этим процессам способствует временное отключение программы питания. О страхах перед вхождением в голодание и как пройти в глубину осознания процесса растождествления с программой питания. Как подготовиться к интуитивному голоданию и двигаться своим Путём.

💿 19 марта 2024

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ГОЛОДАНИЕ (Познание Естества)
Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 1 час 59 минут | Аудиоэфир

Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam (born 18 July 1975), better known by her stage name M.I.A., is an English recording artist of Sri Lankan Tamil heritage. She is also a songwriter, painter, and director. "M.I.A." is a play on her own name and a reference to the acronym of Missing in Action. Her compositions combine elements of electronic, dance, alternative, hip hop, and world music. Arulpragasam began her career in 2000 as a visual artist, filmmaker, and designer in west London before beginning her recording career in 2002. Since rising to prominence in early 2004 for her singles "Sunshowers" and "Galang", charting in the UK and Canada and reaching number 11 on the Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales in the US, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards and the Mercury Prize.

💿 Март 2024

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ЭНЕРГИЯ СОЛНЦА (Практика Изобилия)
Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 44 минуты | Аудиоэфир

Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam (born 18 July 1975), better known by her stage name M.I.A., is an English recording artist of Sri Lankan Tamil heritage. She is also a songwriter, painter, and director. "M.I.A." is a play on her own name and a reference to the acronym of Missing in Action. Her compositions combine elements of electronic, dance, alternative, hip hop, and world music. Arulpragasam began her career in 2000 as a visual artist, filmmaker, and designer in west London before beginning her recording career in 2002. Since rising to prominence in early 2004 for her singles "Sunshowers" and "Galang", charting in the UK and Canada and reaching number 11 on the Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales in the US, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards and the Mercury Prize.

💿 20 апреля 2024

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АЛМАЗНЫЙ ПОТОК (Практика Расширения Бытия)
Анастасия Лаврова – Духовная Библиотека 2022-2024 (Том 3)
🕐 1 час | Аудиоэфир

Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam (born 18 July 1975), better known by her stage name M.I.A., is an English recording artist of Sri Lankan Tamil heritage. She is also a songwriter, painter, and director. "M.I.A." is a play on her own name and a reference to the acronym of Missing in Action. Her compositions combine elements of electronic, dance, alternative, hip hop, and world music. Arulpragasam began her career in 2000 as a visual artist, filmmaker, and designer in west London before beginning her recording career in 2002. Since rising to prominence in early 2004 for her singles "Sunshowers" and "Galang", charting in the UK and Canada and reaching number 11 on the Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales in the US, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards and the Mercury Prize.

💿 28 апреля 2024

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